A Few Problems and Solutions

The larges problem with using Ethereum: is well one, I am not a developer. Two, I would not be able to buy Ethereum stock , But I could build up ether through mining on one of the computers in the lab or potentially my own laptop.

Another problem would be why would I want to use Ethereum and create contracts. Especially when a contract serves between one peer and another. So what would I use it for?

All of these question are very easy to answer as an artist. Just make art about it.

Or another solution, address a problem that could be solved my creating contracts. Selling digital based artworks. Create a platform on ethereum to trade digital works and rhino files from person to person. Through free exchange or through bitcoin and ether.

One major issue when artist sell in galleries is one: the gallery takes on average 50% or more. The also give out standerd discounts to select buyers: Including 10% discount offered to traditional clients, 15% offered to dealers and advisers, 20% offered to museums and institutions. Meaning the gallery artists on average are losing a large percentage of their total asking price. Which to be fair is a manageable system that insures galleries to support themselves and the artists while keeping a clientele. One that the artist may  other wise not gain access too.

Through contracts with ethereum’s blockchain. This could provide for an easier way to manage and sell digital work.

Letting files be individual objects in of them selves and not copies.

How can I make it a less abstract, how do I make it more tangible?

How can I make art to serve arts sake and serve their makers?

With the rise of so called post-digital art, one most not forget the living breathing essence that most digital processes live to serve.

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